ZARATE ZEN - CAPTURED IMAGES FROM MY LIFE TO YOURS is the first nonfiction book I have published.
For many years, I have been posting my photographs and positive words online across different platforms and have repeatedly been asked to assemble them for publication. I finally had the opportunity to do so and have the final book available as of September 2021.
This was a labor of love and I am grateful to everyone who encouraged me to collect my favorite images and words so as to share with the world. I never thought my photography and writing would converge in any way until this was made possible. It was an incredible journey and I look forward to my next adventure.
Onwards! +

ZARATE ZEN - Captured Images From My Life To Yours
Do you enjoy nature photography? Are you looking for hopeful and positive words? Then this is the perfect book for you!
Zarate Zen - Captured Images From My Life To Yours is uniquely designed to provide you with encouraging words and truly remarkable images captured over the years.
Alex G Zarate has brilliantly crafted a superb book filled with beautiful images and positive words which will uplift you. He is a nature photographer who has been sharing his captured images for years.
Whether you’re interested in nature photography, a positive outlook of the world or know someone who is... this book is a perfect companion.
Amazon links below:
This is book 2 in the Zarate Zen series. I did not think my first book would have the reception it did and had not planned for a continuation. However, after the outpouring of support and request for a continuation, I proceeded to publish this second book. More will follow.
Onwards! +

ZARATE ZEN - Captured Images From My Life To Yours
Do you enjoy nature photography? Are you looking for hopeful and positive words? Then this is the perfect book for you!
Zarate Zen - Captured Images From My Life To Yours is uniquely designed to provide you with encouraging words and truly remarkable images captured over the years.
Alex G Zarate has brilliantly crafted a superb book filled with beautiful images and positive words which will uplift you. He is a nature photographer who has been sharing his captured images for years.
Whether you’re interested in nature photography, a positive outlook of the world or know someone who is... this book is a perfect companion.
Amazon links below:
The ZARATE ZEN books emphasize the beauty and amazing sights we all have around us throughout the world. No matter what is happening, nature remains a source of inspiration and I am proud to share my captures and words with you in this series.
Onwards! +
ZARATE ZEN - Imágenes Capturadas De Mi Vida A Ti
This is the Spanish translation of my first Zarate Zen book.
After publishing Zarate Zen, I realized that there are few, if any, photography/positivity books available for Spanish readers. Being bilingual, I decided to share this with those who read exclusively in Spanish. Although some words and phrases do not translate exactly, the meanings have been preserved as much as possible and I hope it is well-received.
Adenante! (Onwards!) +

ZARATE ZEN - Imágenes Capturadas De Mi Vida A Ti
Te interesa la fotografía de naturaleza? ¿Estás buscando mensajes esperanzadores y palabras positivas? ¡Entonces este es el libro perfecto para ti!
Zarate Zen: imágenes capturadas de mi vida a la tuya está diseñado exclusivamente para brindarte palabras de aliento e imágenes verdaderamente notables capturadas a lo largo de los años.
Es a la vez un libro de fotografía y un libro lleno de palabras positivas, comentarios esperanzadores y afirmaciones diarias.
Alex G Zarate ha elaborado de manera brillante un magnífico libro lleno de bellas imágenes y palabras que te animarán y motivarán. Es un fotógrafo de paisajes y naturaleza que ha estado publicando en línea durante varios años.
Ya sea que esté interesado en la fotografía de la naturaleza, esté buscando una perspectiva positiva del mundo o conozca a alguien que lo esté... este libro será el compañero perfecto.
Adelante! +
Amazon links below: