NaNoWriMo/InkTober: Two Challenges I've Taken Part in Over The Years .

We face challenges every day. Many come from the world around us and some we create ourselves. I find the most rewarding challenges to be those we choose, so we can learn, grow and develop from each experience.
I first took on the NaNoWriMo Challenge back in November of 2008. The name is condensed from the title: National Novel Writing Month and it takes place every November. When I first saw the challenge, I hadn’t written in years and wanted to see if I could still follow my old writing muse.
The challenge is simple. Write every day of November and try to complete a 50,000 word first draft by months end. The online community that takes part is extensive. There are message boards, Facebook groups, twitter teams and local liaisons that gather participants who share in the experience and encourage one another throughout the month. I have enjoyed taking part every year since starting in 2008
InkTober is a challenge for anyone who likes to draw. It began in 2016 and has continued every October to date. The challenge, like NaNoWriMo, is to draw and post an image online every day in October.

Unlike NaNoWriMo, the InkTober challenge also provides a list of daily prompts for anyone who wants to join in. Each prompt is a single word and can be almost anything. For those who enjoy taking part in creating a daily drawing, this is a challenge to try.
The prompts are not required, only the daily drawing to share online. Some draw with ink and paper, others use paint and canvas. Some share a digital image. Whichever medium is selected, participants are welcomed and have multiple groups they can join through social media.

I’ve taken part in many NaNoWriMo challenges over the years and have joined every InkTober since 2018. Each new year presents a new set of challenges and I have enjoyed learning as I go while connecting to fellow creatives. Although both sites include merchandise for purchase, the challenges are free for all participants. I recommend these to authors and artists who are interested in a daily challenge that prompts you to remain productive and connect with peers as we all keep creating.