Most people have heard of Ray Bradbury. Born on August 22, 1920. He spent his lifetime writing across many genres as well as screenplays and television scripts. He is said to be “the writer most responsible for bringing modern science fiction into literary mainstream.
I was a fan of Ray Bradbury for years. I especially loved reading The Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451 and Something Wicked This Way Comes. Back in 2004, I saw an announcement that he was giving a lecture in my area. I was eager to attend and couldn’t wait to see the author of my favorite books in person.
When I took my seat, he was on stage and began by pointing out his age, his failing vision and being in a wheelchair. He proclaimed to the room that all of it meant nothing. What matters most is what you are passionate about. What you love. He spoke on the importance of stories, of history and how reading constantly will help us find our passions.
I was in college at the time and had completed both basic and advanced training in the armed forces. I took art classes, joined clubs and contributed to extracurricular activities with fellow artists and writers, but until that day I had never known anyone with so much passion for life and their creative works.
No teacher in my life had ever spoken with such intensity. No student had ever displayed such obsession for knowledge and learning. I was awed by his words, his attitude and his story. No matter how much I thought I had done to follow my heart, I knew I wasn’t close to his level. Ray Bradbury. A elder, bound to a wheelchair; speaking to a crowd he could barely see. A man who was more alive than I had ever been.
As of August 22, 2020, Ray Bradbury would have been 100. He passed away in 2012 but I will always think of him as one of the most inspiring figures I’ve ever met. Not only did he create amazing works but he also shared his passion with the world. A passion for knowledge, creativity and living your life to its fullest.
I was lucky to have met Ray Bradbury and will always remember the boundless spirit of the man as well as his constant display of joy at having spent a lifetime following his heart’s desire. May we all find that burning passion inside and follow it with an equal amount of unwavering determination.